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Utilizing our pure advanced MicroSealant, sandwiched between two removable protection layers, DoubleStick is sticky on both sides. It is perfect for use as a sill or gasket when installing patio doors or windows set deep in the framing. 3" DoubleStick comes in standard rolls 60 mils thick, 50' long, and 1", 2", 3", 4", and 6" wide.

Eternabond Microsealant 3" x 50' case of 8

SKU: ET3-50
  • MicroSealant Technology. Bonds two surfaces of similar or dissimilar materials and stops leaks. Use on: EPDM, TPO, most PVC, CSPE/Hypalon, CPE , SBS, APP modifieds, asphalt BURs, coal tar BURs, tiles, shingle, coated and non-coated aluminum and metal roofs, galvanized steel, gypsum board,

Rain Jacket Flashing Systems

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